
Showing posts from October, 2011

The journey thus far.

DJ started school this September and I must say, he loves it.  The whole summer I feared that he wouldn't be able to cope without us, without me.  You hear so many horror stories about the bus rides, the school, the teachers and feel, how can I protect him? He can't exactly tell me. I think since he's nonverbal, I worry about him the most.  I asking him how his day went and not getting a response.  Granted, every morning when we say, "time for school", he literally jumps out of bed. That is a clear indicator that things are going well and that he likes it.  But still, I need to know! As far as me, I did have an emotional breakdown this past summer. It came out of nowhere. I worked a summer program which also housed District 75, which is for special education.  I was outside in the playground visiting a class 3 weeks into our program when it happened.  I had seen this specific child before and his teacher, practically everyday. But this time, for me...