Quirks. Stims.
When I think of the art of raising children, I think of how hard it is to make sure that on a day to day basis, my children are ok. But aside from that constant worry is the beauty of my children. Their quirks, their mishaps and the way they remind me of myself as a child. Quirks are a funny thing. We all have them. But in the autism world it is called stimming. " Stimming is a repetitive body movement, such as hand flapping, that is hypothesized to stimulate one or more senses. The term is shorthand for self- stimulation." Stimming is an action that a child does in order to self soothe. Daniel's stims range from month to month, so I never know what he'll do next. But I want to mention my quirk or "stim." My quirk dates back to when I was 12 years old. And anyone in my family can tell you what it is if they think hard enough. My mom introduced it to me without her even knowing. I remember watching her thinking so was cr...