An Autism Pause
Why a pause? Because I am affected by something else that is greater than the way I feel towards autism. My thoughts are consumed by the greatest loss of my life, the death of my mother. Autism ties into my relationship with her, but for now, I'll be weaving in and out of it. For right now, without her, there is no me. In memory of My mom was a funny petite little person wrapped up in your average traditional version of what a Latin mother is supposed to represent. She loved her family, she liked a clean home, she loved to cook for her family, and she loved to garden. And April Fools. Seriously. Same joke every year. For years. I see her legacy in the flowers and trees she planted. It was her biggest accomplishment to date, so personal and so therapeutic for her. When I see all she has done in her garden, it is hard to believe that she created such beauty with her bare hands. Pictures can never do it justice. It is a sight to behold. Many times when we spo...