Family.  It's what it's all about, is it not? The love, the trust, the respect, the support.  I love my family. The one I was born into and the one I've created.  But it's not always roses with the one you're born into.

I've also been a secret writer.  Technology has given many a voice to reach more people than just the pages of your secret notebook.  It's a gift used by many to heal and to express your feelings. And it is exactly what I and many other bloggers do.

I have to be honest, I almost took this blog down as well as my FB page I created for DJ.  Its creation has begun a rift in my family. But then I took a step back and thought about it. What's more important, what you're born into or your creations.  The ladder, of course.

I write so that one day DJ and the girls will know that I've always thought of them.  It's not something to bring attention to myself.  It is to bring attention to an issue that affects so many families.  It is a way for others to better understand how to help and not to judge.

But people will be people. Family will be family.  They will judge you, hurt you, disrespect you. We just need to know when it is time to walk away.

My main focus now are my children. Nothing else. I will fight to protect them. And I will write until my hearts content because I do it most for him, for DJ.

I am grateful for the support I've received thus far. And I look forward to many things to come in the lives of my children.  I will continue to raise them to love and respect each other and others.  I will continue to make sure that nothing gets in the way of awareness. Even a family rift.


  1. everyone has a different story story to tell when it comes to THEIR child...i wouldn't care what petty little minds feel...that is their own issue....the need to feel important when in reality they are doing more harm to their own keep doing what you're doing...we all know you have your child's best interest at heart and are not using your child to gain attention or sympathy....


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